eyes still wide
someone will remember us you say
under the paint
I say someone will in another time
entrain us
remember us even in another i say
exploding myth
you say another time

I would not think to touch the sky with two arms

my home is revolution
someone will remember us you say
in the canyons
I say someone will in another time
of wicked problems
remember us even in another i say
exploding revolution
you say another time

#541. mascot

May 20, 2012

in costume
always wanted to play
chicken head and chicken feathers
bullies cant catch me
in here apart

i look like part of the team

i could talk
but could not be heard
for the white flour clogging my veins
my face is caked cake with no sugar or dreams
old man rivers a barking dog to change the schedule by an hour
or an entire history of mirrors broken and so submerged sisyphus
you may follow or just take a picture or write a poem make a choice so
as a king i think this is it

may day
super moon rising
nypd contract is now up
one econo dip from #occupy
“which side are you on boys, which side are you on?”
