Tender is the swimmer
far out in the ocean of light.
Bright star dances tonight.
I am possessed by my dysfunction,
jangle and clang, chime and hum.
Human to the core, human to the stars,
my violence precedes my time.
Time to sing no more time to weep,
no more time than now.

totally blow-minding compretationalstanding simultaneous in time to send a message in a bottle…hello?

global dimensional transition
travel thru the gluons or strings
in a world unrecognized by the childself

being cosmos, nothing, just life alone origin conciousness that zombie hologram exist into species
universes end

#485. ten

November 25, 2011

in the cycling
of days years grow
we that is us becomes 
momentum and the moment
as well as golden promises that shine
in a bright glimmering line between our eyes 
that was a corner we turned together before we knew
we could ever know that we could ever sing our strings together

in time
my memories blend
stirred by scent and sound
goaded by wisps of ancient dreams
visions unhampered by mundane chores
i live in the integrated now where my poems
loom on strings around the corner from the then
and there

#314. return

July 5, 2010

in the distance
the north country
is our shared memory
joy and fun and reflection
on our fragility as a community
the massed primal beast and home
looms thru the heat haze in its amazing
estate of life from lovemaking to last rattle
i understand that of all the fantastic
endless universes whose corner
i turned at this is the one
which works out to be
the best i’ve ever

#279. memory day

May 31, 2010

war death waste

as the long lines fall
from life to memory
corners turned or never
to be turned again

grandchildren thrive
alive in another string
the universe sings